On the front lines of occupational safety

In a work environment that involves machinery and chemicals, occupational safety is especially important. We take occupational safety issues and the safety of our personnel very seriously.

In our operations, we apply zero-accident thinking, which means that every accident is unnecessary and avoidable. Our goal for every year is to have no accidents at all.Our developing occupational safety culture supports this goal. The keys to improving safety are risk management and the employees’ commitment and participation in everyday safety efforts.

We have regular short safety meetings and organize safety training courses and training for exceptional situations. The purpose is to ensure the health and well-being of every employee at the workplace every day. In addition, our collective reward system motivates the employees to participate in the maintenance and development of our security operations.

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“Nornickel Harjavalta aims for the best occupational safety in the industry”

– Joni Hautojärvi, CEO